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The Third Act

I woke up and felt like an early workout. Seldom is that my urge on a Sunday morning, but today that was it. After prayer and meditation, I went to the gym (only to discover they weren't open yet)! I sat out front and began reading an article I'd been carrying around for a few days.

What I read in AARP Magazine inspired me to design a workshop for women 55+ who are contemplating what will be their "third act." The AARP article, Leading Ladies... Screen icons Sharon Stone, Jane Fonda and Alfre Woodard beat Hollywood's ruthless ageism by changing the game" got my attention. It was Jane Fonda who remarked - in the theater world the final act often brings together the first two acts and makes it all make sense. Given I imagine I'll live till I'm 90, I'm thinking about this idea of my third act.

1) What do I want it to look like?

2) What will I be doing?

3) Where will my creativity be exposed?

4) How will I share my gifts?

5) Who will I impact and all the rest?

6) How about you?

Let me hear from you!

What questions would you like to explore in a group setting?

Stay tuned for a future workshop or discussion on "the third act"

By the way, 90 minutes of cardio doesn't mean much if you chase it with a breakfast that looks like this! Oh well...


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