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Daring Greatly

This book was recommended to me by one of my private clients - she's a millennial, brilliant, curious and committed to living life on her terms. She was reading the book with her new partner, and it highlighted for her some of the concepts that were coming up in our coaching sessions. It wasn't the title that pulled me in, but instead the subtitle - ​"How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead"

I was sold! As all four areas were relevant and relatable to my life and work, so I wanted to check it out. I started the book and began to ask myself lots of questions about shame, grief, joy and many more. I found it fascinating to explore what wholehearted living looks like for me and when and where I "allow" vulnerability space to be exposed and when I deny it, suppress it or simply say​​, vulnerability - ​not today! As a result of my ​curiosity and intrigue I've recommended the book to friends, colleagues, family members and clients alike. Enough buzz has been generated that I thought it would be fun to have a collective conversation, so that's what we are doing.

Beginning next Wednesday ​and for the next six weeks​ thereafter,​ we'll have a discussion by phone about the book, the author's discoveries and how vulnerability is impacting our lives and comm​unities and our world​.

​But hurry, because space is limited and you have to read the first chapter before we begin!

Click HERE to join what promises to be a lively discussion and I invite you today to begin "Daring Greatly."

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